Trompe l'oeil wallpaper is one of the best-selling wallpapers on the market. It transforms a banal wall and gives it a more distinguished vision.
For give character to your interior, trompe l'oeil wallpaper is widely used. Often in panoramic form, it fills the entire facade of a wall and offers a pleasant landscape to see. Whether the space is small or large, using it is never a bad idea.
Where to find trompe l'oeil wallpaper ?
Wallpaper is a perfect decoration ally for walls and for the rooms in which it is installed. Now, it is possible for anyone to get some. Among the most popular on the market is trompe l'oeil wallpaper. Available in hundreds of variations on our wallpaper shop, it easily fits into the decor and makes the space pleasant to live in. The biggest brands offer a range of patterns and models for all tastes and desires.
Wood effect, brick effect or even imitation library, the brand Papier Peint Français has more than twenty trompe l'oeil wallpapers. Specializing in housing, there are nearly 130 establishments throughout France, which makes it easily accessible to all consumers. The brand's network is developed and extends throughout the country.
In order to get trompe l'oeil wallpapers, it is advisable to go to the nearest establishment. Also present in other countries, such as Portugal and Spain, Leroy Merlin is expanding its business considerably in order to be ever closer to its consumers. However, the brand also has an online ordering site to facilitate purchases. From now on, it is possible to no longer go to the store to choose your wallpapers. You can directly search on the virtual platform to see all the models available, with all the details of dimensions and types of wallpapers. Just click on the button " add to cart ", enter your credit card number and that's it. The order can be delivered directly to your home without having to travel.
Wallpaper for your 4 walls
To date, other brands also offer trompe l'oeil wallpapers. Indeed, the trade in this decorative material is growing more and more, which has given rise to several competitors on the market. In this regard, the 4 MURS brand now offers a variety of trompe l'oeil wallpapers and even others. Formerly specialized in wall decoration, 4 MURS now provides its customers with other interior decoration products, such as candles, curtains and even lamps. However, the brand's specificity has long remained the sale of wallpapers. It is still known to the general public as the largest wallpaper specialist on the market. With more than 110 stores throughout France, 4 MURS is open 7 days a week to guarantee the greatest satisfaction of its customers.
If many brands are rushing into the wallpaper business, it is because it is a flourishing business. Indeed, more individuals are becoming fans of wallpaper to the detriment of other materials to cover the walls. Both decorative and with the appearance of a fresco, wallpapers allow you to camouflage all the imperfections of the wall. Trompe l'oeil wallpapers allow you to obtain a chic and elegant decor without much expense.For around fifteen euros to cover an average surface area of five square metres, these are inexpensive alternatives for an interior that is full of originality. The overall vision of a room can differ depending on the patterns chosen. For example, if the occupant of the premises wants a room with a natural and elusive look, it would be wise to opt for trompe l'oeil wallpaper with a wood panel effect.
What are the wallpaper trends? ?
Although wallpapers are timeless decoration allies, some of them take the lead in the ranking. Indeed, more and more individuals are opting for the choice of designer wallpapers. Offering a luxurious and avant-garde interior, the patterns of designer wallpaper are, for the most part, abstract patterns. But there are also designer wallpapers with jungle patterns. In this regard, black and white wallpapers are the most fashionable. They are suitable for homes with modern architecture and bright rooms. It should be noted that these types of wallpapers give an already complete decoration to the room. It would be convenient to combine them with other plain wallpapers or walls in light colors. Placing them on the four walls of a room would give an impression of overload to the overall vision. This is the typical decorative element to adopt for fans of minimalist decoration.
In addition, other types of wallpaper are also all the rage. These are trompe l'oeil brick effect and bookcase effect wallpapers. Giving an industrial look to the room, brick effect wallpaper is an unbeatable classic. Indeed, a brick wall in a room is quite complex to maintain. It is difficult to clean this wall without a smoother because it easily collects dust between its many corners. Thus, brick effect wallpaper is a good compromise in order to satisfy the desire to have such a wall with ease of maintenance. As for bookcase effect wallpaper, it is also one of the most classic wallpapers. There are many people who want to offer a bookcase facade to their interior but the space is lacking. This effect will give more volume to the room in which it is installed.
3D wallpaper trompe l'oeil, best optical illusion ?
Trompe l'oeil wallpaper, as its name suggests, is likely to cause an optical illusion in the viewer. In fact, 3D wallpaper reflects an image that gives the impression of being in another place. Placed on the entire surface of a wall, the projected decor immerses anyone in the room in the environment of the wallpaper. It allows you to reinvent the room in which you are. Although it is only an image, the main vision of this type of wallpaper is to offer a kind of visual and virtual reality to the viewer. In order to guarantee the effect, it would be wise to place a small lamp above the wall on which the wallpaper is located. Delicate lighting reinforces the immersion in every detail granted by the decor. The wallpaper installed will then be considered worthy of a fresco.
However, to ensure this immersive effect, it is necessary to respect a few conditions when installing the trompe l'oeil 3D wallpaper. Since this wallpaper is a panoramic format, it is divided into several continuous strips. As a result, it is imperative to respect the connections to the last millimeter. Otherwise, the desired effect cannot be obtained and the expected vision may even be spoiled. In addition, the wall on which the wallpaper will be installed must also be smooth and well cleaned.A wall with bumps will not ensure a uniform view of the landscape, while an uncleaned wall will prevent the paper from adhering well. The desired effect is the optical illusion, the real vision of an image. To achieve this, the installation must also be perfect.
Still haven't decided which wallpaper will go with your walls? Discover the collection of wallpaper vintage in order to find the rare gem whether it is for your living room, dining room, etc.